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Question words or Wh words for UKG or KG2 ICSE CBSE

What is a question Word? Definition : Word that begin with "Wh" such as what, which, where, why, who, when, whom, whose, whether and how for an interrogative sentence are called Question words or Wh words.

They query about the person, place, thing, reason, time, seeks explanation in a sentence. "Wh" words represent "Open question" which does not give answer as "Yes" and "No".

Example: What is your name? In this sentence "What" is a question word which has first two letters as "Wh" and the sentence ends with a question mark (?).

More on Question words in English grammer

Why question words are required?

question words or "Wh" words with Examples

Rules for question words or doing words

Worksheets for question words or "Wh" words

Online test for question words or "Wh" words

Why question words are required?

Question words are used for asking questions. Question words cater to build sentences for a curious mind of the child. Most used question word is "What" which is used by the growing child or anyone more often. These words are mostly used in an interrogative sentence.

Question words with Example

Let's understand the question words with examples to clear the concept.

Question words: Example 1: What

In below example sentences, "What" is a question word. "What" generally ask about things, objects or information about something.

Question words: Example 2: Who and Whom

In below example sentences, "Who and Whom" are question words. "Who and Whom" are generally used to ask about the people or person.

Question words: Example 3: Where

In below example sentences, "Where" is a question word. "Where" is generally used to ask about the place.

Question words: Example 4: When

In below example sentences, "When" is a question word. "When" is generally used to ask about the time.

Question words: Example 5: Which

In below example sentences, "Which" is a question word. "Which" is generally used to ask about the choice, alternative or for comparision.

Question words: Example 6: Why

In below example sentences, "Why" is a question word. "Why" is generally used to ask about the reason, cause or explanation.

Question words: Example 7: Whose

In below example sentences, "Whose" is a question word. "Whose" is generally used to ask about something belongs to a person or ownership.

Question words: Example 8: How

In below example sentences, "How" is a question word. "How" is generally used to ask about the description, the manner or process of doing something, result, quality .

Note: "How" is a WH word as it contains ("W" - last letter, "H" - first letter)

Rules for Question words or "Wh" words(kindergarten scope)


Worksheet for question words or Wh words(kindergarten scope)

Worksheet 1: Fill the appropriate the Question word

  1. ________ is your brother's name?

    a) Who         b)Why         c)What         d) How

  2. ________ to write a letter?

    a) How         b)What        c)Which       d) Who

  3. ________ are you crying?

    a) Whom      b)Which      c)Why         d) What

  4. ________ did the school bus arrive?

    a) Which     b)When        c)What         d) Whom

  5. ________ bag is heavy?

    a) How        b)Whom        c)What        d) Which

Worksheet 2: Underline the question words

  1. How is the breakfast?
  2. Why are you leaving?
  3. How to draw the picture?
  4. Which example is better?
  5. Who is the principal?

Free Online test on question words or "Wh" words(kindergarten scope)

Online test 1: Question Words or "Wh" words

Test your understanding by taking this free online test. When you click on the link, the page will open in a separate window. When you submit each answer, you will whether your answer is correct and score will be updated. At the end, test result will be displayed for you. Best of Luck!!!

Free Online Test - Question Words or Wh words (01)

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