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Action Words or Doing words for UKG or KG2 ICSE CBSE

What is a Action Word? Definition : Any word that expresses or describes an action for a person, an animal, a thing or a nature can do is called action word. Action words are also called Doing words or Verbs.

Action words are very closely associated with the noun or subject of the sentence. The action performed may be physical or mental in nature. Hence "doing words" tell the reader or listener what action the subject is doing or has done or will do in the sentence.

Example: Jack jumps on the bed. In this sentence "jumps" is an action word and "Jack" is a noun or subject. To find the action word in a sentence, you need to ask a simple question "What is Jack doing? or what action Jack is performing?" Answer is "Jumps".

More on Action words in English grammer

Why action words are required?

Action words or doing words with Examples

Rules for action words or doing words

Worksheets for action words or doing words

Online test for action words or doing words

Why action words are required?

Action words are important construct of the sentence where they show action that is completed or currently ongoing or will be happening in future with the use of verbs.

Action words with Example

Let's understand the action words with examples to clear the concept.

Doing words: Example 1:

"Jill is riding the horse". In this sentence, Jill is a noun (person), horse is a noun (animal), riding is an action or doing word. Here riding shows the action performed by Jill. Question to find the action word here is "What is Jill doing?".

Doing words: Example 2:

"Ram went to school". In this sentence, Ram is a noun (person), school is a noun (thing), went is an action or doing word . Here went shows the action perofrmed by Ram in the sentence.

More Examples:

In below examples words in bold and italics are action words or doing words

Rules for Action words or doing words(kindergarten scope)


Worksheet for Action words or doing words(kindergarten scope)

Worksheet 1: Circle the Action words

  1. a) Run         b)Field         c)Man         d) Mouse
  2. a) Jug         b)Jump         c)Table       d) She
  3. a) Read       b)Water        c)Sofa        d) Glass
  4. a) Monkey   b)Skip          c)Kite          d) John
  5. a) Boy         b)Paper        c)Desk        d) Write

Worksheet 2: Underline the Action words

  1. I am eating breakfast.
  2. Let's play together.
  3. Kate is not feeling good.
  4. Tom danced in the compition.
  5. We will swim in the river.

Online test Action words or doing words(kindergarten scope)

Online test 1: Action Words or Doing words

Test your understanding by taking this online test. When you click on the link, the page will open in a separate window. When you submit each answer, you will whether your answer is correct and score will be updated. At the end, test result will be displayed for you. Best of Luck!!!

Free Online Test - Action Words or Doing words (01)

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