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Phonic Sound of English Alphabet.

What are Phonics? or What is Phonic? Definition: The correct sound produced by an English Alphabet or group of letters within the Word is understood as Learning Phonics.

Learning English is Not only identify or write the English Alphabets or Letters. It also about how each letter or alphabet sounds when used with various combination of letters in words.

To improve the reading or spoken English skill, you do NOT just remember the sound of A to Z like their letter name. The same English Alphabet may sound differently when they are used in different words, arrangement or pattern.

Example: "O" Phonic sound in Word "TO" and "GO" are different.

For LKG, We will focus on Single English Alphabet Phonic Sound. You will get the English Phonics free Worksheets in PDF to practice for LKG or KG1 students. You can also Print the Worksheets to be used in offline. Free Phonic sound Online Test is available to evaluate your understanding. We will also talk about the English Phonic song which is the tips to remember the basis Phonic Sound of each English Alphabet to start with.

Phonic sound of each English Alphabet

More on Phonic Sound

Tips to remember the Phonic Sound

KG1/LKG English Alphabet Phonics Test

KG1/LKG English Alphabet Phonics Worksheet

KG1/LKG English Alphabet Phonics Answer Sheet

Phonic sound of each English Alphabet

There are 26 English Alphabets hence they do have primaryPhonic sound for each A to Z English Alphabets. But please keep in mind that the Phonic Sound of individual English alphabets may change depending upon the combination of apphabets in a word. But here for little ones, let's keep it simple.

Note:To Remember Phonic sounds of 26 English Alphabets, there is a Song which our Kids easily remember. Let us sing along for below Lyrics by pressing the Play Button.

  	A is for Apple; Aaa Aaa Apple
	B is for Ball; Buh Buh Ball

	C is for Cat; Cuh Cuh Cat
	D is for Dog; Duh Duh Dog

	E is for Elephant; Eh Eh Elephant
	F is for Fish; Ff Ff Fish

	G is for Gorilla; Guh Guh Gorilla
	H is for Hat; Huh Huh Hat

	I is for Igloo; Ee Ee Igloo
	J is for Juice; Juh Juh Juice

	K is for Kangaroo; Kuh Kuh Kangaroo
	L is for Lion; Ll Ll Lion

	M is for Monkey; Mm Mm Monkey
	N is for Nose; Nn Nn Nose

	O is for Octopus; Awe Awe Octopus
	P is for Pig; Puh Puh Pig;

	Q is for Question; Qua Qua Question
	R is for Ring; Rr Rr Ring

	S is for Sun; Ss Ss Sun
	T is for Ten; Tuh Tuh Ten

	U is for Umbrella; Uh Uh Umbrella
	V is for Van; Vv Vv Van

	W is for Watch; Wuh Wuh Watch
	x is for BoX; Ex Ex BoX

	Y is for Yellow; Yuh Yuh Yellow
	z is for Zoo; Zz Zz Zoo 


Examples Phonic Sounds of each English Alphabet with Animals

Letter Sound Example Picture
A aa aa as in Alligator
A is for Alligator aa aa Alligator
B buh buh as in Bear
buh as in bear buh buh Bear
C cuh cuh as in Cat
cuh as in Cat cuh cuh Cat
D duh duh as in Dog
duh as in Dog duh duh Dog
E eh eh as in Elephant
eh as in Elephant eh eh Elephant
F ff ff as in Frog
ff as in Frog ff ff Frog
G guh guh as in Gorilla
guh as in Gorilla guh guh Gorilla
H huh huh as in Hen
huh as in Hen huh huh Hen
I ee ee as in Iguana
ee as in Iguana ee ee Iguana
J juh juh as in Jackal
juh as in Jackal juh juh Jackal
K kuh kuh as in Kangaroo
kuh as in Kangaroo kuh kuh Kangaroo
L ll ll as in Lion
ll as in Lion ll ll Lion
M mm mm as in Monkey
mm as in Monkey mm mm Monkey
N nn nn as in Numbat
nn as in Numbat nn nn Numbat
O awe awe as in Octopus
awe as in Octopus awe awe Octopus
P puh puh as in Parrot
puh as in Parrot puh puh Parrot
Q qua qua as in Quail
qua as in Quail qua qua Quail
R rr rr as in Rat
rr as in Rat rr rr Rat
S ss ss as in Snake
rr as in Snake ss ss Snake
T tuh tuh as in Tiger
tuh as in Tiger tuh tuh Tiger
U uh uh as in Unicorn
uh as in Unicorn uh uh Unicorn
V vv vv as in Vulture
vv as in Vulture vv vv Vulture
W wuh wuh as in Wolf
wuh as in Wolf wuh wuh Wolf
X ex ex as in Fox
ex as in Fox ex ex Fox
Y yuh yuh as in Yak
yuh as in Yak yuh yuh Yak
Z zz zz as in Zebra
zz as in Zebra zz zz Zebra

More on Phonic Sound

Letter Sound Example Picture
A aa aa as in Apple
A is for Apple aa aa Apple
B buh buh as in Banana
buh as in Banana buh buh Banana
C cuh cuh as in Cake
cuh as in Cake cuh cuh Cake
D duh duh as in Donut
duh as in Donut duh duh Donut
E eh eh as in Egg
eh as in Egg eh eh Egg
F ff ff as in Fish
ff as in Fish ff ff Fish
G guh guh as in Gift
guh as in Gift guh guh Gift
H huh huh as in Honey
huh as in Honey huh huh Honey
I ie ie as in Icecream
ie as in Icecream ie ie Icecream
J juh juh as in Juice
juh as in Juice juh juh Juice
K kuh kuh as in Kiwi
kuh as in Kiwi kuh kuh Kiwi
L ll ll as in Lollipop
ll as in Lollipop ll ll Lollipop
M mm mm as in Mango
mm as in Mango mm mm Mango
N nn nn as in Nest
nn as in Nest nn nn Nest
O awe awe as in Orange
awe as in Orange awe awe Orange
P puh puh as in Pencil
puh as in Pencil puh puh Pencil
Q qua qua as in Queen
qua as in Queen qua qua Queen
R rr rr as in Ring
rr as in Ring rr rr Ring
S ss ss as in Sugar
rr as in Sugar ss ss Sugar
T tuh tuh as in Tamato
tuh as in Tamato tuh tuh Tamato
U uh uh as in Umbrella
uh as in Umbrella uh uh Umbrella
V vv vv as in Violin
vv as in Violin vv vv Violin
W wuh wuh as in Watch
wuh as in Watch wuh wuh Watch
X ex ex as in X-ray
ex as in X-ray ex ex X-ray
Y yuh yuh as in Yellow
yuh as in Yellow yuh yuh Yellow
Z zz zz as in Zip
zz as in Zip zz zz Zip

Tips to remember the Phonic Sound

Tips for Parents and Teachers

The Child's reading skills should be systemetically tought. Basically it starts with Nursery.

Nursery is the place where teacher and parents should focus on listening skills of the child. In this stage parents and teachers should be telling short interesting, moral and non fictional stories. Once you finish the story, encourage your children to think, talk and visualize the subject.

Do not make your child bored. Max 10 mins a session would be good.

Let them engage when they are fresh in a very calm and non distracting place for a focused few mins.

Choose books of short stories with simple words and great pictures. Get books for suggested ages and skill level of your child.

Praise them once they read new words perfectly or trying to read and assist them if they get stuck.

You may get engaged her with a Flash card game.

Play Word Hunt game, ask your child to find certain word in a small paragraph or starting with a specific letter.

Pretend to stop sometimes while reading together and ask/seek your child to read the next word after you stop.

Engage in a reading game. You read one line and your child will read next line.

The only Aim of teaching Phonics at early stage is to understand and enjoy what they will read.

Other point is child will not fear while looking into a new word and she pronounce and read the word guided by phonics.

Sometime child picks reading habbit from siglings and parents. Always encourage them with good new books in regular intervals, definitely in vacations to keep them engaged.

If you observe your child is having some issue in reading, get suggestion from teachers.

KG1/LKG English Alphabet Phonics Test

LKG KG1 Online Test Free - English Phonics (01)

KG1/LKG English Alphabet Phonics Worksheet

Phonics Practice Worksheet #1:

Circle the letter that each picture starts with

Question Number: 1


Question Number: 2


Question Number: 3


Question Number: 4


Question Number: 5


Phonics Practice Worksheet #2:

Circle the letter that each picture ends with

Question Number: 1


Question Number: 2


Question Number: 3


Question Number: 4


Question Number: 5


Phonics Practice Worksheet #3:

Beginning Sounds and Letters Matching


KG1/LKG English Alphabet Phonics Answer Sheet

Use Phonics Worksheet

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