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Preposition (In, On, Under) for UKG or KG2 ICSE CBSE

What is a preposition? Definition : Preposition is a word which tells us where a person, an animal, a thing or a place is with respect to another another word or element in a sentence? Prepositions are also called positional words.

In the above defination "a person, an animal, a thing or a place" are called nouns.

Example: The book is on the table. In this sentence "book" is a noun and "table" is a noun. The book and table are related in the example by a simple question "Where is the book?" Answer is "The book is on the table." The word "on" is a preposition word that connects between two nouns in the sentence "book" and "table".

More on Preposition in English grammer

Preposition is a word that shows the relationship with noun or pronoun in a sentence.

Why prepositions are required?

What are different prepositions?

Preposition with Examples

Rules for preposition

Why prepositions are required?

Preposition is an important construct in sentence building. These words tells more about the position or actual place of a noun or pronoun with respect to another thing or object in a sentence. In the above example, if you ommit "on", then sentence ("The book is the table") cannot be a logical statement. Preposition are used by everyone in our day to day spoken english and written communication.

What are different preposition?

Here our scope is to discuss only three simple prepositions (in, on, under). Please keep asking yourself one important question "where"

Preposition for upper kindergarten or KG2 students

Preposition with Example

Let's understand the preposition with examples to clear the concept.

Preposition Example 1:

"The cat is in the box". In this sentence, cat is a noun (animal), box is a noun (thing), in is a preposition. Here in shows the relationship between cat and box. Question to find the preposition here is "Where is the Cat?".

Preposition Example 2:

"John is hiding under the chair". In this sentence, John is a noun (person), chair is a noun (thing), under is a preposition. Here under shows the relationship between John and Chair. Question to find the preposition here is "Where is John hiding?".

Preposition Example 3:

"Helen is sitting on the horse. She is sitting nicely on it". In the first sentence, Helen is a noun (person), horse is a noun (animal), on is a preposition. In the second sentence, She is a pronoun (for Helen), it is a pronoun ( for horse), on is a preposition.

Rules for Preposition (kindergarten scope)


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