Class 3 grade 3 Standard 3 ICSE CBSE Syllabus
Class 3, grade 3 or Standard 3 are all synonym for the same level of study. This class falls under Primary Education which transits fun loving Kindergarten to a stage of boundless learning. Most common sessions in Class 3 Syllabus are reading, writing, physical and mental games, painting, music etc.
Note: Class 3 syllabus mainly focuses on Physical, thinking, Oral skills of Student and engages them for little extended period of learning. Teachers and Parents need to have more attentive and provide guidance to nurture their talent.
Most of the countries follows the simillar kind of learning topics or Syllabus in Class 3, grade 3 or Standard 3. Taking reference from ICSE and CBSE board so that we will know what is expectation from child during this stage. We try to cover syllabus for Class 3/Grade3/Standard 3 English, syllabus for Class 3/grade3/Standard 3 Math, syllabus for Class 3/Grade3 Standard 3 Computer, syllabus for Class 3/Grade3/Standard 3 General Science and syllabus for Class 3/Grade3/Standard 3 Social Studies for your benefit. Also there would be additional Local language and Foreign language in the curriculum
Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Syllabus for English ICSE CBSE
Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Syllabus for Mathematics ICSE CBSE
Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Syllabus for Computer ICSE CBSE
Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Syllabus for General Science ICSE CBSE
Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Syllabus for Social Studies CBSE
Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Syllabus for English ICSE CBSE
First Term
- Punctuation and Capitalization (Full stop, Comma, Quotation Marks, Apostophe)
- Gender (Mousculine, Feminine, Neutor, Common
- Article (A/An/The)
- Singular - Plural
- Nouns (Common, Proper, Collective, Material)
- Pronouns
- Sentenses - Subject and Predicate
- Adjectives
- Comprehension
- Paragraph Writing
Second Term
- Verbs and Tenses (Simple Tense)
- Antonyms -Synonyms
- Preposition
- Conjuction
- Interjections
- Homophones
- Possessive Pronouns
- Paragraph Writing
- Letter Writing (Informal)
- Comprehension
- Reading
Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 for Mathematics ICSE and CBSE
First Term
- Numbers
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Divison
- Introduction to Fractions
- Data Handling
Second Term
- Time
- Measurement
- Money
- Geometry
- Patterns
- Division (Revision)
- Addition
- Multiplication
- Measurement (Length, Mass, Capacity)
- Division
- Ordinal Numbers (1-10)
- Story Sums
- Time (O' Clock and Half past)
- Data Handling
- Patterns
- Lines and Shapes
- Mental Maths
Syllabus for Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Computer ICSE and CBSE
First Term
- A Computer System
- Word Processor - An Introduction
- The Internet - An Introduction
Second Term
- GUI Operating System - An Introduction
- Fun with MS Paint
- File management - Organization and Folders
Syllabus for Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 General Science ICSE and CBSE
General Science talks about the things around us and very basic topics which include below points for Class 3
First Term
- Living and Non-Living things
- States of Matter (Solids, Liquids and Gases
- The Sun as a Natural Resource
- Plants in the surroundings
Second Term
- Birds
- Some properties of Water
- Water as a Resource
- Common Insects
- The Human body
- Means of Communiction
- The sky - Sun, Moon and Stars
- Time and Direction
Syllabus for Class 3 grade3 Standard 3 Social Studies ICSE and CBSE
Social Studies talks about the practical things to follow and very basic topics which include below points for Class 3
First Term
- From Here to There
- Community Helpers
- The Environment
- Safety at Home and School
- Safety on the Road
- Mapwork (World Map): Continents and Oceans
Second Term
- Telling Time
- Architectural Heritage e
- Literary Heritage
- The Solar System
- The Earth
- Mapwork (World Map): Parallels, Meridians and Hemispheres
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