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Formation of Words

What is a Word? How Words are formed in English? Definition: Word is a smallest unit which have a meaning while you speak or write any language. Word is formed by an alphabet/letter or group of alphabets/letters.

Example: "I am a boy". Here each underlined section(I, am, a, boy) of the sentence is a word.


When we write a sentence, a Space is included between words.

When we read a word it produces unique sound so people can understand and derive the meaning.

English alphabets are building blocks of a word. In the same way Words are building blocks of a sentence.

To master reading or writing a word, you have to master the phonic sound of each letter. If you pronounce the word correctly, then it is easier to write the spelling of the Word.

For LKG, We will focus on Simple word formation. To start we will discuss the words with Vowel Sounds. We will also discuss different "Word Families". At last we will discuss interesting section of Rhyming Words.

You will get the formation of word with Vowels and word families free Worksheets in PDF to practice for LKG or KG1 students. You can also Print the Worksheets to be used in offline. Free Formation of Word for Online Test are available to evaluate your understanding.

Words with Vowels

Forming Two Letter Words

Forming Three Letter Words with different word families

"an" Family Words

"am" Family Words

"at" Family Words

"ag" Family Words

"ad" Family Words

"ap" Family Words

"en" Family Words

"et" Family Words

"ed" Family Words

"eg" Family Words

"in" Family Words

"it" Family Words

"ig" Family Words

"op" Family Words

"ot" Family Words

"od" Family Words

"ug" Family Words

"un" Family Words

"us" Family Words

"ut" Family Words

Rhyming Words Meaning with Examples

KG1/LKG Words with English Vowel and Word Families Test

KG1/LKG Words with English Vowel and Word Families WorkSheet

KG1/LKG Words with English Vowel and Word Families Answer Sheet

Words with Vowels (a, e, i, o, u)

What is Words with Vowels(A, E, I, O, U)? Why we start with our Word formation learning from Vowel sound? Definition:

Once you identify the 26 English Alphabets, then you master the phonics of each Alphabet. Next thing the child learns the begining sounds like "A" for "apple". "B" for "Ball" etc. Then slowly then learn the ending sound as well like "X" as in "Fox". Then they are ready to learn more about the words which are mostly 3 letters and Vowels are placed between the letters. So here you will learn only 3 letter words. After learning these 3 letter words with vowel, there are few practice sheet or worksheet for hands on.

First pronounce phonic sound of each letter and then combine them to speak the complete word.

Words with Vowel "a"

Words with Vowel "e"

Words with Vowel "i"

Words with Vowel "o"

Words with Vowel "u"

Forming Two Letter Words

What are 2 letter words in English? Definition: As name indicates, these words contains only 2 letters. They are simple and help to build the sentence. "it", "to", "of" and "on" are some most common 2 letter words in English. Let's learn them with help of simple sentences. First pronounce phonic sound of each letter and then combine them to speak the complete word.

Here you go...

a + n = an

This is an apple.

a + m = am

I am a boy.

a + t = at

Let's meet at the park.

i + f = if

You will win if it is true.

i + t = it

It is a ball.

i + s = is

She is a girl.

o + n = on

The book is on the table.

u + p = up

He is climbing up the wall.

o + r = or

Answer may be right or wrong.

u + s = us

All of us will go.

g + o = go

I go to school.

Forming Three Letter Words with different word families

What are 3 letter English words? Definition: 3 letter words contains 3 alphabets. They are best for learning the word families. We talked about single letter phonics. Now it's time to go one step ahead and pronounce the sound of two letters combinely. This will help to master the spelling of words and easy to remember them.

'an' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'am' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'at' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ag' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ad' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ap' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'en' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'et' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ed' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'eg' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'in' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'it' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ig' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'op' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ot' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'od' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ug' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'un' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'us' family Words in English with 3 letter words

'ut' family Words in English with 3 letter words

Rhyming Words Meaning with Examples

What are rhyming words in english? Definition: If ending sound of two or more words are same or similar, they are called Rhyming Words in english. Kids find Rhyme as fun and they develop interest in words. Rhyming words also help chidren to know the word families and generate interest in Phonics. Also Rhyming words help them to master spellings by noticing the sound and break them into smaller parts.

Here are few Rhyming word examples or Rhyming word list to start with

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ap'

Cap, Tap, Map, Gap, Nap, Sap, lap

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ab'

Lap, Tab, Dab, Cab, Fab, Nab

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'am'

Jam, Dam, Ham, Mam

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ad'

Sad, Mad, Bad, Had, Lad, Pad

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ag'

Bag, Nag, Tag, Rag, Wag

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'at'

Cat, Sat, Rat, Mat, Bat, Fat, Pat, Hat

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'en'

Pen, Ten, Hen, Men, Den

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ed'

Bed, Red, Led, Ted, Wed

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'eg'

Beg, Eeg, Leg, Peg

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'et'

Wet, Net, Set, Bet, Get, Jet, Met, Pet, Vet, Yet

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'eg'

Beg, Eeg, Leg, Peg

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ib'

Bib, Nib, Rib, Sib

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'in'

Pin, Bin, Tin, Kin, Sin, Fin, Win

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'it'

Sit, Bit, Fit, Hit, Kit, Lit, Nit, Pit, Wit

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ig'

Big, Dig, Pig, Fig, Jig, Rig, Wig

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ip'

Bip, Dip, Hip, Lip, Nip, Pip, Rip, Sip, Tip

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ob'

Job, Rob, Mob, Sob

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ot'

Hot, Dot, Not, Cot, Jot, Lot, Pot

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'op'

Cop, Hop, Mop, Pop, Top

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'og'

Dog, Fog, Hog, Jog, Log

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'un'

Sun, Run, Bun, Fun, Gun, Nun

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ug'

Bug, Hug, Jug, Mug, Rug, Tug

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ut'

But, Cut, Gut, Hut, Nut

3 letter Rhyming Words in English ending with 'ub'

Cub, Dub, Hub, Pub, Tub, Sub

KG1/LKG Words with English Vowel and Word Families Test

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KG1/LKG Words with English Vowel and Word Families Worksheet

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KG1/LKG Words with English Vowel and Word Families Answer Sheet

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