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Pronouns for UKG or KG2

What is a Pronoun? Definition : When we replace or substitute a repeating noun with a short word called Pronoun. For example: "Jill is a student. Jill wakes up in the morning. Jill goes to school". Here Jill is repeated noun of type person. These sentences can be rewritten as: "Jill is a student. She wakes up in the morning. She goes to school". Here Jill is replaced by She which is a pronoun.

More on Pronouns

Here we will only discuss abount one type of Pronoun which is called Personal Pronoun.

Why Pronouns are required?

What are Personal Pronouns?

Personal Pronouns with Examples

Rules for Personal Pronouns

Why Pronouns are required?

Think about the persons who are around us. They are mainly family members, Social helpers, friends and their families, strangers or working in a specific professions. So noun can be name given to a person.If we talk about them multiple times in same context or same paragraph, then instead of repeating them, we generally substitute with a pronoun. Hence pronoun is a subcategory of noun. They (Pronouns) are important construct while forming a sentence and makes it more meaningful. We use them frequently in our verbal and written communication in our daily life.

What are Personal Pronouns?

Personal Pronouns are most commonly used. They refer to specific individual, person or groups.

Personal Pronouns (Subjective)

Personal Pronouns with Examples

Let's understand the personal pronouns with examples to clear the concept.

Pronoun Example 1:

Just observe the sentence with and without pronouns in below statement

Without Pronouns:

John is a boy. John likes stories. John is a good student.

With Pronouns:

John is a boy. He likes stories. He is a good student.

Observation:In first instance where we do not use pronouns, John is repeated multiple times. Hence the group of sentences are not sounding good. But in second instance where we use pronoun(He), the following sentences are sounding better and smoother.

Pronoun Example 2:

Without Pronouns:

My family loves sports. My family watches football on TV.

With Pronouns:

My family loves sports. We watch football on TV.

Observation:In first instance where we do not use pronouns, My family is repeated multiple times. But in second instance where we use pronoun(We).

Pronoun Example 3:

Without Pronouns:

Jocelyn studies in primary school. Jocelyn has lot of school books.Jocelyn reads them everyday.

With Pronouns:

Jocelyn studies in primary school. She has lot of school books. She reads them everyday.

Observation:In first instance where we do not use pronouns, Jocelyn is repeated multiple times. But in second instance where we use pronoun(She).

Pronoun Example 4:

Without Pronouns:

My name is Jack. Jack went to a party.Jack enjoyed a lot.

With Pronouns:

My name is Jack. I went to a party.I enjoyed a lot.

Observation:In first instance where we do not use pronouns, Jack is repeated multiple times. But in second instance where we use pronoun(I).

Rules for Personal Pronouns


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