What is Oral in LKG/KG1 curriculum?
Definition: Oral is what child speaks. It could be question being asked and child need to respond with the answer. This may be singing a song like Nursery Rhymes etc.
Why Oral is important for Kids?
Oral develops the communication skill in child. This increases the interaction between Child and his friends, Teachers, Parents.
Nursery Rhymes for LKG/KG1 students
Common Questions and Answers for LKG/KG1 students
Question: What is your name?
Answer : My name is Peter.
Question: How old are you?
Answer : I am four years old.
Question: Where do you study?
Answer : I study in John F Kennedy School.
Question: What is your favourite colour?
Answer : My favourite colour is Green.
Question: What is your mother's name?
Answer : My mother's name is Anna.
Question: What is your father's name?
Answer : My father's name is Harry.
Question: What did you have in your breakfast?
Answer : I had sandwitch in my breakfast.
Question: Where do you stay?
Answer : I stay in NewYork City.
Question: How is the weather today?
Answer : Today is Sunny.
Days of the week for LKG/KG1 students
Question: How many days are there in a week?
Answer : There are seven days in a week.
Question: Tell the Days of a week?
Answer :
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednessday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
Months of the Year for LKG/KG1 students
Question: How many Months are there in a year?
Answer : There are twelve days in a week.
Question: Tell the Months of a Year?
Answer :
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
About yourself for LKG/KG1 students
Question: Tell us about yourself?
Answer :
My name is ____________ . I am a ________ ( boy/ Girl). I am ________ years old. I study in ________________________. I am in LKG section ______. My mother’s name is ________________. My father’s name is ________________.
About Summer Season for LKG/KG1 students
Question: Tell us about Summer Season?
Answer :
April, May and June are the summer months. We feel hot during the summer season. We use umbrella, cap and sunglasses. We love to swim during summer. We wear cotton clothes. We drink lots of water and juice.
About Monsoon Season for LKG/KG1 students
Question: Tell us about Monsoon Season?
Answer :
Monsoon season comes after Summer season. July, August and September are the Monsoon months. We use umbrella, raincoats and gum boots in Monsoon season. We see muddy puddle and pot holes on road. Children make paper boats and float them in the rain water. In Monsoon season we see rainbow in the sky. Peacock dances when it rains.
Nursery Rhymes for LKG/KG1 students
Question: Sing "Twinkle twinkle little star" Rhyme
Answer :
Twinkle Twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky!
Question: Sing "Johny, Johny" Rhyme
Answer :
Johny, Johny Yes,Papa. Eating sugar? No,Papa. Telling lies? No Papa. Open your mouth. Ha ha ha!
Question: Sing "Rain, Rain, Go Away" Rhyme
Answer :
Rain, rain go away, Come again another day; Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain go away.
Question: Sing "See Saw" Rhyme
Answer :
See saw, up and down, Which is the way to London Town ? One step up, and the other down, This is the way to London Town.
Question: Sing "One Two Buckle My Shoe" Rhyme
Answer :
One, two, buckle my shoe, Three, four , shut the door, Five, six, pick up the sticks, Seven, eight, lay them straight, Nine, ten, a big fat hen.
Question: Sing "Hickory ,Dickory, Dock" Rhyme
Answer :
Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory, dickory,dock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock!
Question: Sing "I am a little Tea Pot" Rhyme
Answer :
I am a little tea pot, Short and stout, This is my handle, And this is my spout. When the water’s boiling, Hear me shout, Just lift me up, And pour me out.
Question: Sing "Little Miss Muffet" Rhyme
Answer :
Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds away, There came a big spider, And sat down beside her, And frightened Miss Muffet away.
Question: Sing "Two Little Hands To Clap, Clap, Clap" Rhyme
Answer :
Two little hands to clap, clap, clap; Two little legs to tap, tap, tap ; Two little eyes are open so wide; One little head goes side to side.
Question: Sing "A B C Song" Rhyme
Answer :
Come Children, Come to me, I will teach you A B C. A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, L M N O P Q R S T, U V W X Y Z. Now you know your A B C, Next time won’t you sing with me!
Question: Sing "Chubby Cheeks" Rhyme
Answer :
Chubby cheeks, dimpled chin, Rosy lips, teeth within, Curly hair, very fair Eyes are blue, curly too, Teacher"s pet, is that you? Yes, Yes, Yes!
Question: Sing "Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses" Rhyme
Answer :
Ring-a-ring-a-roses A pocket full of posies Hush- Ha, Bush-Ha We all fall down.
KG1/LKG Oral Worksheet
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KG1/LKG Oral Answer Sheet
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