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Gender for Class 1 , Grade 1, Standard 1 with Examples and worksheet

What is Gender? Definition : The distinguishable characteristic that classify a noun, pronoun into a subclass of male, female or neuter is called Gender. The male gender is called masculine and the female gender is called feminine. Male gender can be specified as "He-Words" and female gender as "She-Words".

Example: Gender

Masculine gender Vs Feminine Gender
Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
Boy Girl
Hero Heroine
Bull Cow
Father Mother
Brother Sister

More on Gender in English grammer

Why Gender is required?

Gender with Examples

Rules for Gender

Worksheets for Gender

Online test for Gender

Why Genders are required?

Sometimes we need to identify the person, animal or things directly rather than stating "wife of the lion" or "husband of grand mother". Genders are invented to simplify and nouns and pronouns and remove the confusion.

Example: I am a child. In this sentence we do not know the gender of the child. If the same sentence is now rewritten as "I am a boy" or "I am a girl", it is now more clear about the gender of the person.

Gender with Examples

Let's understand the Gender with examples.

Example 1: Person

Genders in a Family
Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
Father Mother
Brother Sister
Grand father Grand mother
Uncle Aunt
Nephew Niece
Son Daughter
Husband Wife

Example 2: Animal

Genders in a Animals
Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
Bull Cow
Horse Mare
Billy goat Nanny goat
Tiger Tigress
Lion Lioness
Buck Doe
Stallion Mare
Dog Bitch
Colt Filly

Example 3: Birds

Genders in a Birds
Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
Cock Hen
Peacock Peahen
Drake Duck
Cob Pen
Gander Goose

Example 4: Genders: Commonly used words

Genders for daily usage
Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
He She
His Her
Man Woman
Gentleman Lady
King Queen
Boy Girl
Groom Bride
Sir Madam
Headmaster Headmistress
Hero Heroine
Monk Nun

Example 5: Genders in Names

Name of the person can disclose the gender.

Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
John Jocelyn
Jack Julie
Steve Olivia
Ali Zeba
Ram Sita
Krishna Radha
Bob Ruby

Example 6: Converting Genders from musculine to feminine

Gender conversion by adding -ess
Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
Actor Actress
Host Hostess
Master Mistress
Waiter Waitress
Lion Lioness
Tiger Tigress
Heir Heiress
Steward Stewardess
Emperor Empress
Poet Poetess

Rules for Genders(Grade 1 scope)


Worksheets for Gender

Worksheet 1: Identify the Gender.

  1. Bitch

    a) Male         b) Female

  2. Mistress

    a) Male         b) Female

  3. Billy-goat

    a) Male         b) Female

  4. Peacock

    a) Male         b) Female

  5. Bride

    a) Male         b) Female

Worksheet 2: Match the respective Gender.

Genders matching
Male/Masculine Female/Feminine
Cock Queen
Actor Madam
Sir Aunt
King Actress
Uncle Hen

Free Online test for Gender

Online test 1: Gender

Test your understanding by taking this free online test. When you click on the link, the page will open in a separate window. When you submit each answer, you will whether your answer is correct and score will be updated. At the end, test result will be displayed for you. Best of Luck!!!

Free Online Test - Gender (01)

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