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Vowels and Consonants

What are Vowels and Consonants? or What is Vowel? What is Consonant? Definition: Basically Five English Alphabets A, E, I, O, U are called Vowels. Rest 21 Alphabets are Consonants. Primary difference between Vowels and Consonant is how uniquely they are pronounced from our vocal tracts which contains Lungs, Throat, Toungue, Teeth, Nose, Lips.

Let's learn more on them in our next section.

For LKG/KG1, We will focus on Simple word formation with Vowels and Consonants. You will get the Vowels and Consonants free Worksheets in PDF to practice for LKG or KG1 students. You can also Print the Worksheets to be used in offline. Free Vowels and Consonants Online Test is available to evaluate your understanding.

Introduction to Vowels

Words with Short and Long Vowel

Introduction to Consonants

KG1/LKG English Vowel and Consonant Test

KG1/LKG English Vowel and Consonant Worksheet

KG1/LKG English Vowel and Consonant Answer Sheet

Introduction to Vowels

What is Vowel? and How many Vowels are there in English Language? Definition:There are 5 Vowels (A, E, I, O, U) in English Language. Vowels sounds are produced from vocal cords without obstruction of air flowing from lungs.

Note:Just Observe when you pronounce Vowels. There is no touching of upper teeth and lower teeth, No touching of Toungue to upper part of mouth. No touching of Upper and lower lips. No sounds coming from Nose. Only the sound comes out from the Vocal cord and your breath comes out from lungs without obstruction.

Words With Short and Long Vowel

What is Short and Long Vowel? Definition: Long Vowel sounds like itself Where as Short Vowel Does NOT sounds like itself while pronouncing the word.

Understanding English Grammer and Language starts with Identification of Vowel.

Earlier in our tutorial in Phonic sounds, we emphasized on phonic sound of the single Alphabets. Now Let's learn how same Vowel can be pronounced little differently with Short and Long variation.

Long Vowel Sound in English

What is Long Vowel Sound? Definition: Long Vowel sounds always pronounced as it's Letter Name. For Example Long "A" sounds like Letter "A" bit more stretched. Simillrly Long "O" sounds like Letter "O" bit more stretched.

Just Imagine the same Vowel repeat itself. For Example Long "E" as in "Bee", "See" and Long "O" as in "Look". Long Vowel sounds are easier to master for Kids or learners as they are simple and straight forward.

Tips: When two different vowels positioned next to each other, then first vowel sounds long. For Example Long "E" sound as in "Beat". Long "A" sound as in "tail".

Short Vowel Sound in English

What is Short Vowel Sound? Definition: Short Vowel sounds never pronounced as it's Letter Name. For Example Short "A" does NOT sound like Letter "A" in "Cat. "E" does not sound like Letter "E" in Elephant. "U" does not sound like Letter "U" in "Cut.

Short Vowel Sound of A, E, I, O, U

Importance of Vowel in English Grammer

Why I need to know about Vowel?In English Grammer, there is importance of use of "a" or "an" before a word. When to use "a" or "an"? To keep it simple, just put little bit of emphasis on Vowel Sounds not just the Vowel

Tips: Thumb Rule is: Use "an" before a word which starts with a Vowel Sound.You will surprise to find that some words starts with Consonant but still having "an" before them and some words starts with Vowel but does not have "an" before them.

Example: Let's stress upon phonic sound of word "Apple". Vowel "A" in "Apple" sounds like short vowel sound which is "ah" so we say "an apple". Just Pronounce "Elephant". Vowel "E" in "Elephant" sounds like short vowel sound which is "eh" so we say "an elephant".

Here is the interesting fact: a University or an University? Answer is "a University" because "U" shounds like "yew" in University which is not a vowel sound.

a Umbrella or an Umbrella? Answer is "an Umbrella" because "U" sounds like short Vowel sound "uh".

a Hour or an Hour? Answer is "an Hour" even if "Hour" start with a Consonant "H". Here "H" sound is soft "H" and more like vowel sound "ah". Hence the "an Hour".

But: a House or an House? Answer is "a House" because "H" sounds like "hh". So it is not a Vowel Sound so "a House".

Introduction to Consonants

What is Consonant? and How many Consonants are there in English Language? Definition:There are 21 Consonants (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z) in English Language. Consonants sounds are produced from vocal cords with someway obstruction of air flowing from lungs.

Note:Just Observe when you pronounce Consonants. There is touching of Toungue to upper part of mouth. Touching of Upper and lower lips. Sometimes sounds coming from Nose. For Example: Say "B", "P". Your upper and lower Lips touch. Say "D", "G", "H". Your tounge touches the upper part of the mouth. Say "M", "N". Sound comes through Nose. Say "C", "F". Air is passing throgh the narrow passage.

Importance of Consonant in English Grammer

Why I need to know about Consonant?In English Grammer, there is importance of use of "a" or "an" before a word. When to use "a" or "an"? To keep it simple, just put little bit of emphasis on Consonant Sounds not just the Consonant

Tips: Thumb Rule is: Use "a" before a word which starts with a Consonant Sound.You will surprise to find that some words starts with Consonant but still having "an" before them.


a Hen or an Hen? Answer is "a Hen" because "H" sounds like "hh" which is a Consonant sound. So it is not a Vowel Sound so "a Hen".

a Hour or an Hour? Answer is "an Hour" even if "Hour" start with a Consonant "H". Here "H" sound is soft "H" and more like vowel sound "ah". Hence the "an Hour".

KG1/LKG English Vowel and Consonant Test

LKG KG1 Online Test Free - English Vowels (01)

KG1/LKG English Vowel and Consonant Worksheet

Practicing phonic short vowel a: Worksheet #1

Write a to complete the words and say the word aloud.





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KG1/LKG English Vowel and Consonant Answer Sheet

Refer vowel and consonant workSheet

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